What are the kinds of richness safeguarding?
Your embryos, eggs, sperm, and reproductive tissues are all saved and protected through fertility preservation. You will be able to have children in the future because of this. Adults and even some children of both sexes can choose this option. Medically-indicated preservation is the most common type of fertility preservation, and elective preservation is used when a person wants to delay having children for personal reasons or when their fertility is compromised by a health condition or disease. Individual reasons you might need to postpone labor could include tracking down the right accomplice/companion or needing to hold on until you’re more settled in your vocation.

There are two types of treatments for preserving fertility:
• Removing and freezing tissues, sperm, eggs, and embryos for use later.
• Limiting the effect of disease treatment on regenerative tissues.
Methods for preserving fertility for women and people who were born female (DFAB):
• Freezing eggs: Hormone therapy is used to get your ovaries to produce more eggs. The eggs are removed by your provider, frozen, and stored.
• Freezing of embryos: This involves removing eggs from your ovaries, much like egg freezing. Embryos are created when your provider fertilizes the eggs with your partner’s or donated sperm. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the name of this method. Either freezing and storing the embryos for later use (embryo cryopreservation) or immediately implanting them in your body is a choice your doctor will make.
• Freezing ovarian tissue:
You might not be able to wait the two to six weeks required for hormone treatment if you are undergoing cancer treatment. You could, on the other hand, have your ovarian tissue taken out and frozen. Your surgeon reimplants the thawed tissue after your cancer treatment, once you are medically cleared and ready to conceive. On the off chance that the tissue recovers capability, you might have the option to become pregnant immediately or by means of IVF.
• Oophoropexy, or transposition of the ovary:
This method can assist with safeguarding your ovaries from radiation therapies. Your surgeon moves your ovaries away from the treatment area into your abdomen, away from your pelvis.
Protection from radiation: Your ovaries can be shielded from radiation treatments with a lead shield. Additionally, precise radiation technologies that minimize the amount of radiation delivered to your ovaries may be used by your provider.
Fertility protection procedures for men and individuals assigned male upon entering the world (DMAB)
Radiation protecting: Women’s radiation shielding is comparable to this. Your doctor will shield your testicles or use more precise radiation techniques to reduce the amount of radiation that gets to them.
Freezing sperm: You provide a frozen and stored sample of sperm.
Testicular tissue freezing: Some men’s sperm is absent from their sperm. In a similar vein, individuals who are designated male at birth (DMAB) are unable to produce sperm from semen prior to puberty. Providers remove a sample of testicular tissue that may contain sperm in these situations. Any sperm that are found are taken out and frozen.
For children, what kinds of fertility preservation are available?
Cancer and other diseases that affect children can also affect their fertility in the future. Children can freeze their testicles and ovaries, and once they reach puberty, they can freeze their eggs, sperm, and embryos. More youthful youngsters might profit from radiation safeguarding and ovarian rendering.